Hopeful Minds Services

About Veatriki Gavriella Kalantzopoulou

Psychologist in Newberg and Beaverton, OR

Veatriki Gavriella Kalantzopoulou

Veatriki Gavriella Kalantzopoulou is a licensed Greek Psychologist. She obtained her bachelor's degree from the European University of Cyprus and is currently completing her Master's degree program in Clinical and Counseling Psychology by the University of Derby, focusing on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach, with a financial scholarship. Her undergraduate (Bsc) and postgraduate (Msc) dissertations revolve around Aviation Psychology, a field she's deeply passionate about due to her previous experience as a cabin crew member in two European airlines.

During her studies, she interned at a private elementary school and has been an active volunteer psychologist, providing services on the national hotline for cancer patients and two other nonprofit organizations. Presently, she works at three specialized therapy centers in Greece, catering to children, adolescents, and adults. Additionally, she's completing her Master's degree internship at the Greek Company of Alzheimer and Relative Disorders in Chalkida.

Veatriki Gavriella actively engages in continuous learning through seminars to stay updated with the advancements in Psychology. She has also presented seminars and authored seven children's books with psychological content, focusing on behavior, emotional intelligence, and phobias.

Passionate about the power of the mind in influencing mood, behavior, and physical well-being, she is inspired by the cognitive behavioral approach. Her professional traits include empathy, non-judgment, respectfulness, calmness, and effective communication. Her expertise encompasses various cases such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, PTSD, self-confidence issues, and diversity-related concerns.

Outside of her profession, Veatriki enjoys gardening, baking, writing, traveling, and spending time with loved ones. She's dedicated to helping individuals discover, recover, and empower their best selves."